Belgorod State Agricultural University and Michurinsk State Agrarian University are glad to invite you to participate in the summer school programme From Field to Fork from Tree to Mouth: Agricultural Production for Food Security and Import Substitution jointly organized by two educational institutions of higher professional training in Belgorod and Tambov regions. In 2021 the school will be held on July, 25 - August, 9. Students will have a wonderful opportunity not just to study different aspects of agricultural science, such as horticulture, dairy production, agricultural production processing etc., but also to visit agricultural enterprises in order to see with their own eyes how Russian agribusiness is organized as well as to compare the tendencies of agricultural production in different regions of Russia. The programme includes presentations and seminars, as well as practical classes and field experience.The working language of the school is English, German interpretation will be provided when necessary. The programme will last 14 days and the students will receive 4 credits for 44 academic hours of lectures/presentations combined with professional excursions to agricultural and food production enterprises.
You can also download the preliminary program of the Summer School.
Please, send the documents mentioned below to before June 1, 2021:
Participation fee:
You can also apply for one city (Belgorod or Michurinsk) paying half of the fee.
If you would like to apply for any other scholarship program (which could help you to cover the participation costs) we would be happy to support you.
The coordinators of the project:
Dr. Tatiana Litvinenko
ul. Vavilova 1, 308503 Maysky
Belgorod region, Russia
Tel.: +7 (4722) 381346, Fax: +7 (4722) 391174
mob.: +7 903-884-0797, +7 980-373-0097
Dr. Elena Yashina
Internationalnaya Str., 101, 393760 Michurinsk
Tambov region, Russia
Tel.: +7 (47545) 5 25 07
You can find us on facebook too.
The organization of international summer schools became a popular form of academic exchange in Russia. From Field to Fork from Tree to Mouth: Agricultural Production for Food Security and Import Substitutionis an additional study program for students from Europe and Russia which will be organized in two universities Belgorod State Agricultural University (Belgorod region) and Michurinsk State Agrarian University (Tambov region) to share and exchange experience in agribusiness. Summer school is an experience that involves students in the new environment and prepares them for the future life. The combination of studies, discussions, visits to the leading companies, cultural development, language learning, excursions and international communication gives the students a great opportunity to learn a lot about Russian business and Russian soul